
Is Modi clever or innocent?

Anupam Sharma, Fascinated by depth of Indian History


Narendra Modi is perhaps the most clever leader India has seen in a long long time.

When Modi goes to North East,

He wears this,

Or this

When he visits to Himachal Pradesh

When he visits to South India

Modi is an unapologetic Hindu. That’s one reason entire liberal ecosystem hates him.

When Modi visits to Karnataka, he will start with a few sentences in Kannada. When he visits West Bengal, he starts his speech in Bangla. In bihar, he will start in Bhojpuri.

When Modi is in Haryana, he will tell an anecdote from the time he spent in Haryana. In Himachal Pradesh he will tell a story, how he is connected with the state. In Rajasthan he will do the same.

Such clever tactics, connects him to public and public feels that he is their own leader. Modi connects with people, on an emotional level.

Modi has awaken a feeling of pride among common Indian. He has made the people realize that they are not second class citizens anymore.

Modi markets his great achievements, like building toilets, Mudra yojana, Ujjwala yojana etcreally well.

But Modi has an ability to cleverly represents some of his mediocre achievements as something really amazing, is probably he will keep getting our votes.

Thank you

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