
Indian Army Hosts Historic “Pir Panjal Specially Abled Basketball League” on National Sports Day


Boniyar – On the occasion of National Sports Day, the Indian Army in Boniyar Tehsil, Baramulla district, achieved a remarkable milestone by organizing an unprecedented event to support para-athletes. The groundbreaking “Pir Panjal Specially Abled Basketball League” took place at the esteemed Army Goodwill School in Boniyar, marking a significant moment in the Indian Army’s commitment to inclusive sportsmanship.

This event highlighted the Indian Army’s dedication to promoting inclusivity and empowerment. Each athlete in the league had previously represented J&K State at the national level, showcasing their exceptional talent and unwavering dedication.

In a display of unity, the Indian Army sponsored complete team basketball kits for the upcoming national championship next month. This gesture not only emphasized the solidarity among these specially-abled athletes but also showcased the Indian Army’s support for the nation’s budding sports talents.

As a touching gesture, the army arranged a visit for the specially-abled individuals to the revered Kaman Post in Uri. This compassionate effort exemplified the Army’s commitment to uplifting spirits and fostering camaraderie between local communities and the armed forces.

The players expressed their gratitude to Torna Battalion, Pir Panjal Brigade, for spearheading events that uplift and inspire them. Prominent civil officers and dignitaries also attended, highlighting the importance of this initiative in promoting harmony and unity within society.

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