
Student-Turned-Militant Detained From His Home In Khanyar: Family

Srinagar: A missing Greater Noida University student who had purportedly joined militant ranks has been detained by the police, his family said on Sunday.

“He (my son) returned home but police arrived here and detained him. He (my son) was bleeding,” the father of the student told the media. “Please take him to the hospital first,” he pleaded.

Meanwhile, police said on Twitter that an individual (name withheld) has been brought back “to the mainstream”.

“With the help of family and police an individual (name withheld) has been brought back to the mainstream. Further details shall follow,” police said on Twitter.

The student, who is a resident of Khanyar area of downtown Srinagar, went missing on October 28 from his hostel at Sharda University in Greater Noida, nearly a month after he was assaulted during a group clash at the varsity between Indian and Afghani students.

In the purported audio message, the missing student had pledged allegiance to Islamic State militant group. His family had made a fervent appeal to him to return home.

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