
Schools to reopen on March 1 in Kashmir: DSE

Srinagar: The authorities on Friday said that all the government and private schools in Kashmir valley will reopen on March 1 after 8 months after the outbreak of COVID-19.

Director School Education Kashmir, (DESK), Mohmammed Youns Malik, told news agency KNS hat there is no confusion as they have already issued the order that all schools will be reopened on March 1st after the gap of eight months.

Pertinently, the winter vacation in Kashmir schools was announced on December 10 and the schools are now set to open on March 1.

The director school of education said that before reopening of the schools there will be sanitization and cleaning of schools 5 days before.

“We have issued the guidelines to the school heads to ensure proper cleaning and sanitation of class rooms,” he added. (KNS)

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