
PM Modi pays tributes to Vajpayee on his birth anniversary

New Delhi, Dec 25: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday paid tributes to former prime minister and BJP stalwart Atal Bihari Vajpayee on his birth anniversary.

Born in Gwalior in 1924, Vajpayee was the face of the BJP for decades and was the first non-Congress prime minister to have served a full term in office.

Modi tweeted, “Remembering Atal Ji on his Jayanti. We are inspired by his rich service to the nation. He devoted his life towards making India strong and developed. His development initiatives positively impacted millions of Indians.”

The prime minister also visited Vajpayee’s memorial “Sadaiv Atal” along with other senior BJP leaders, including Union ministers Rajnath Singh and Amit Shah besides party president J P Nadda, to pay tributes to him. PTI

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