
Omar Rejects Allegations About Praising Burhan, Zakir

Srinagar: Rejecting allegations that he praised militant commanders Burhan Wani and Zakir Musa, former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah said he was talking about how people should not boycott elections.

Mr Abdullah, who is the Vice President of National Conference (NC), said he mentioned that Tral, which gave birth to Burhan and Musa, also gave the BJP a lead in the Lok Sabha elections because of a boycott. “How is this praise,” he asked.

“I did no such thing. I was talking about how people should not boycott elections. I mentioned that Tral, which gave birth to Burhan & Musa also gave the BJP a lead in the LS elections because of a boycott. I was pointing out the strange contradiction of this. How is this praise?,” Mr Abdullah wrote on micro-blogging site twitter. (UNI)

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