
North Kashmir driver goes missing, family seeks governor’s help

Srinagar: Family members and relatives of a missing driver from Pattan area of north Kashmir’s Baramulla district on Friday staged a protest demonstration at Press Enclave in Srinagar.

The protesting family members urged the governor administration to help in tracing Asadullah Bhat, a resident of Mamoosa area of Pattan.

The family members said that Jan Muhammad left his home on March 22 but has not returned since.

The said that he was working with a telecommunication company. “We request the governor administration to help us in tracing him,” said a relative.

The family members said that they had lodged a First Information Report (FIR) on March 23 but the police has not been able to trace him.

“Jan Muhammad has no criminal record and never indulged in an illegal activity,” a relative said.

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