
Minor non-local girl raped in Budgam, police arrests accused within 48 hours

Budgam, Aug 16 : Jammu and Kashmir police have arrested a man for raping a 17 years old non-local girl in central Kashmir’s Budgam district, police said.

According to a statement issued to news agency Kashmir Dot Com (KDC), a Budgam police said “On 13th August about 23:00 hrs, Police Post Soibugh received a written complaint from Riyaz Ahmed Khan son of Raju Khan resident Lakheempora Keeri Bihar presently working at Brick Kiln 71-P wahabpora stating therein that his sister (name withheld) age about 17 years went missing on 12-08-2022 at about 04:00 AM from home and later searched for her and was traced out about 16:00 hrs on same date, Meanwhile the complainants sister disclosed that she was kidnapped and raped by one namely Liyakat Ali Dar son of Mohammad Jaffar Dar resident of Wahabpora Budgam.”

In this regard, a case FIR Number 275/2022 under relevant sections of law has been registered at Police Station Budgam and investigation taken up, they said.

The accused was absconding but after strenuous efforts of police post Saibug, the accused was on Tuesday arrested from Wadwan area of Budgam.

Community members are requested to cooperate with police in curbing social crimes in their neighbourhood, police added. (KDC)

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