
Man ‘Hackled’ To Death Over Land Dispute In Poonch

Poonch, May 30: A 60-year-old man was “hackled to death” allegedly by his relatives over a land dispute in Surankote area of this district in Jammu division of J&K on Saturday. Police identified the victim as Mohammad Alam son of Mohammad Sadiq.

Senior Superintendent of Police, Poonch, Ramesh Angral told GNS that the man was hackled over some land dispute and died on the spot.

Station House Officer and his team, the officer said, visited the spot and arrested one person so far in connection with the incident. “A case has been registered and further investigations are underway,” he added.

Local reports suggest that the incident took place around 10:30 a.m. when Alam started to plough a field in his village, Mohra Bacha in Surankote.

However, they said, some persons objected to it which led to altercation and the man died subsequently.


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