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Lumbardar Electrocuted To Death, People Blame PDD For Negligence

Six such death in recent past, concerned officials in slumber

Srinagar, June 25: A village Lumbardar died of electrocution in Mochan village of Beerwah in central Kashmir’s Budgam district on Tuesday.

A police officer told GNS Shabir Ahmad Malik (25) son of Ghulam Mohammad of Mochan Beerwah received an electric shock while repairing an electric transformer in the area today morning.

Malik was seriously injured due to electric shock, said the officer.

He was immediately taken to SDH Beerwah where doctors declared him dead on arrival, said the officer.

Locals said that concerned PDD officials didn’t turn up to repair the transformer following which Lumbardar tried to repair it on his own. However, before starting the repairs, he informed the concerned PDD unit following which Power supply was snapped.

Locals said that as he was carrying the repairs, the power was restored due to which he got electrocuted.

Locals said that 6th death due to electrocution occurred in Beerwah in last six months and concerned department has failed to prevent any such incidents. They demanded action against concerned officials for negligence. (GNS)

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