
LeT Pays Tribute To Slain Shopian Militants; Says “Martyrdom Is Significant Part Of Freedom Struggle”

Srinagar, Nov 26: Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) on Monday paid tributes to the slain Shopian militants namely Umar Majid, Waseem Ahmed, Musthaq Ahmed Mir, Abbas Ahmed Bhatt, Khalid Farooq Malak and Dr. Saifullah who were killed in an encounter on Sunday.

In an e-mailed statement issued to KNS, LeT spokesman quoted the outfit chief, Mahmood Shah as saying that “martyrdom is a significant part of the indigenous freedom struggle.”

Shah said that “70 companions of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) attained martyrdom in Battle of Uhud and the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) himself was injured which is evident to the truth that Islam does demand sacrifices.”

“Patience in battlefield against the occupational and tyrant forces renders great successes. The martyrs of Kashmir are reviving the same spirits as of the Battle of Uhud. Allah SWT blessed Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and his companions with triumph at the end in the Battle of Uhud, it was because of their utmost patience and because of the fact that they stood steadfast in the battle,” Shah said.

Shah thanked public for their unmatched love with freedom fighters and said that “such sacrifices, emotions and symbols of support are true asset. We are proud of our honorable people. But we still have to face many conspiracies of the enemy together. The grand conspiracy of enemy at this time against youth is to indulge them in lewdness in the name of culture. Social media is being used as an integral part of this vicious goal.”

“We must ask for our forgiveness from Allah SWT. The parents must take immense care in bringing up their children. They must have their children married as soon as they reach puberty. Doing so will positively impact the society and will shower immense blessings from Allah SWT,” he added. (KNS)

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