Jammu & Kashmir

Lady Among Four Persons Injured After Clashes Erupted Between Two Groups At Polling Station In Poonch


M S Nazki

Srinagar, May 25(GNS) Four persons sustained injuries after two groups clashed during polling at polling station Shahpur in District Poonch on Saturday.

Officials told GNS that around 12:35 pm two groups clashed between each other for unknown reasons at polling station Shahpur.

During classes four people sustained injuries and where shifted to district hospital Poonch for treatment. They have been identified as Zahoor Din (40) son of Mohammad Sharif, Shazad Ahmad (20) Son of Mohammad Yousuf, Miss Saleema Bi(18) wife of Shazad Ahmad and Mohammad Aslam (22) son of Mohammad Sharif all residents of Shahpur.

Meanwhile, police has registered a case in this regard and investigation has been taken up.(GNS)

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