
Konmoh Panch Missing From Aug 19: Police Decline To Comment On Audio Claim about his killing

Srinagar: A Panch from Khonmoh area in outskirts of Srinagar is missing after he reportedly went to Shopian on August 19 even as unverified audio by militants claim that they have killed him.

Official sources told GNS that the family of the Panch, Nissar Ahmad Bhat of Khonmoh, has filed a report with police, stating that he left for Shopian on August 19 and is missing since then. Police sources said that Panch had been booked under PSA in 1995 and there are as many as 12 FIR registered against him.

A senior police officer confirmed that a missing reported has been filed but declined to comment on purported audio released by the militants in which they claimed to have killed the panch and “did not return the body due to covid-19 pandemic.”

Pertinently, a territorial army man, who was kidnapped from Kulgam on August 02 has also been claimed to have been killed by the militants in a similar unconfirmed audio message. (GNS)

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