
J&K Reports Highest Ever Single Day Covid-19 Fatalities 73, 3344 cases

Srinagar, May 17: Jammu and Kashmir reported highest ever single day spike in the number of covid-19 deaths as 73 persons succumbed to the virus in last 24 hours, officials said on Monday.

Also, 3344 new covid-19 cases have been reported, 1418 from Jammu Division and 1926 from Kashmir, taking the overall tally to 247952.

Regarding the deaths, they said, 54 were reported from Jammu Division and 19 from Kashmir Valley, taking the fatality count 3222.

Providing district wise details, the officials told GNS that Srinagar reported 495 cases, Baramulla 118, Budgam 376, Pulwama 145, Kupwara 124, Anantnag 228, Bandipora 137, Ganderbal 82, Kulgam 164, Shopian 57, Jammu 613, Udhampur 228, Rajouri 106, Doda 90, Kathua 115, Samba 89, Kishtwar 27, Poonch 56, Ramban 43 and Reasi 51.

A number of these cases were confirmed at diagnostic laboratories of SKIMS Soura, CD hospital and GMC Anantnag.

The SKIMS cases include male (38) from BSF Kupwara, male (42) from Malikpora Kupwara, male (36) from Malikpora Kupwara, male (24) from Malikpora Kupwara, male (48) from Gulgam, male (19) from Marhama, male (25) from Laderwan Kupwara, male (75) from Warsun Kupwara, female (38) from Saiwan Kupwara, male (38) from Dardpora Kupwara, male (08) from Dardpora Kupwara, female (28) from Sheikhpora heril Kupwara, male (28) from Hangha, male (30) from Babgund Langate, male (49) from Sagipora, male (26) from Chowdary Bagh Srinagar, female (55) from Rajbagh, male (41) from Mattan, female (65) from Hyderpora, male (27) from Kanitar, male (37) from Soura, male (14) from Sgr, male (27) from Soura, male (60) from Lalbazar, female (75) from Buchpora, male (31) from Nowhatta, female (38) from Hawal, male (50) from Kakapora, male (38) from Bemina, male (49) from Pandach, female (50) from Zakura, female (47) from Kawdara, female (06) from Soura, female (60) from Hawal, male (45) from Soura, male (40) from Lalbazar, male (27) from Soura, male (40) from Nagbal Ganderbal, female (50) from Bagi mehtab Sgr, female (40) from Soura, female (66) from Soura, male (36) from Anchar Soura Sgr, male (64) from Ahmed Nagar Sgr, male (29) from Alsteng ganderbal, male (37) from 90Ft Soura, female (32) from Dagpora Sgr, female (42) from Barzulla, male (12) from Sgr, male (55) from Panzinara Sgr, male (70) from Nagbal Ganderbal, male (32) from Sumbal Bandipora and female (65) from Hyderpora.

The CD cases include female (60) from Pastuna, female (19) from Rathsuna, male (30) from Dobipora, female (22) from Chattabal, female (65) from Zoonimar, male (35) and female (04) from Bemina, male (24) from Srg, female (45) from Sopore, female (40) from Khankah, male (25) from Karan Nagar, female (38) from Chattabal, male (40) from Nawabazar, two females (20, 45) from Nowhatta, female (42) from Khanyar, female (28) from Nawabazar, female (55) from Budgam, male (78) from Ganderbal, two females (55, 29) from Hyderpora, male (12) from Awantipora, male (40) from Parraypora, male (30) from Tengpora, male (28) from Soura, female (50) from Habakadal, male (70) and female (42) from Srinagar, male (NA) from Bemina, female (13) and male (10) from Tulsibagh, male (63) and females (70, 30) from Lal Bazar, male (44) from Eidgah, male (60) from Fatehkadal, two females (30, 35) from Natipora Srg, male (34) from Bemina, male (26) and two females (23, 24) from Srg, female (48) from Mehjoor Nagar, male (80) from Pulwama, male (47) from Alochibagh, male (50) and female (40) from Rajbagh, female (25) from Batmaloo, male (50) from Qamarwari, male (44) from Lal Bazar, two males (58, 30) from Kachnambal, male (22) from Khanan, male (37) and female (30) from Satrina, male (55) from Khalmulla, female (35) from Nowbug GBL, female (11) from Buserbug, male (35) from Shuhama, male (47) from Surfraw Kangan, female (25) and male (30) from Zarigund, two females (06, 16) from Uricharsoo Pul, female (30) from Dadoora Pul, male (63) from Kadalbal Pampore, male (35) from Panthachowk, male (48) from Pahoo, male (33) from Lasjan, female (60) from Lethpora, male (28) from Konibal, female (26) from Galendar, male (22) from Drangbal Pampore, male (24) from Zewan, female (40) from Khrew, female (55) from Hatiwara, female (55) from Frestbal Pampore, female (48) from C B Nath Pup, female (26) from Bellow Pul, male (25) from Chandpora Pul, male (29) from Pulwama, three females (40, 50, 54) and two males (56, 46) from Khrew, two males (32, 25) from Shar, female (09) from Samboora, male (30) from Malangpora, female (30) from Gudroo, female (24) from Dalipora, female (24) from Koil, male (29) from Urwan, female (23) from Sirnoo, female (56) from Trichal, male (32) from Dangerpora, male (21) from Murran, male (36) from Pulwama, female (29) from Sharshali, male (45) from Drach Pul, female (32) from Pulwama, male (29) from Shirmal Shopian, female (30) from Uzrampathri, male (22) and female (28) from Bathnoor, male (33) from Amlar, male (25) from Dobiwan, male (55) from Batmaloo, male (34) from Habak, female (60) from Gurez, male (60) from Qamarwari, male (65) from Pampore, male (50) from Natipora, female (30) from Bemina, female (32) from Sanat Nagar, two males (40, 70) from Ahan, female (25) from Kurhama, male (51) from Beehama, male (35) from Gulabagh, female (30) from Sopore, three males (36, 21, 18) from Surfraw Kangan, female (53) from Pulwama, male (30) from Chanapora.

The GMC Anantnag cases include male (30) from Changoo, male (55) from Kreeri, male (40) from Verinag, male (27) from Hallan, male (30) from Omoh, female (30) from SBI Verinag, female (60) from Nowgam, male (47) from Naidpora, female (45) from Hiller Qzd, male (37) from Malikpora Verinag, three males (60, 56, 32) from Nowgam, male (28) from Mehmoodabad, male (30) from Hiller Shahabad, male (32) from Halsidar, female (38) from Fethpora, male (30) and two females (60, 30) from Hakura, male (40) from Naidpora, female (34) from Peertakia, female (28) from Waterhall, male (20) from N Marg, female (35) and male (25) from Laisipora, female (70) from HM Guri, male (20) and female (50) from Waripora, two males (35, 06) from Gopalpora, three males (08, 40, 22) from Waripora, female (28) from Gardwani, female (45) from Ahmadabad, female (24) from Bagbal, female (35) and male (55) from Gondwand, male (32) from Khull, male (60) from Ahmadabad, female (50) from Avil, female (30) and male (45) from Kowserbal, female (48) from Gopalpora, male (17) from Waripora, female (22) from CR Pora, male (27) from DH Pora, male (48) from Pushkreeri Srigufwara, male (45) from Zadipora Khanabal, female (22) from Anantnag, male (35) from Bogund Kulgam, male (35) from Uranhall Ang, male (20) from Harnag, two females (45, 32) from Mattan Chowk Ang, male (50) from Bogund Kulgam, male (55) from Reshi Colony Danter, female (48) from Harnag, male (36) from Mehadora, male (45) from Deva Colony Ang, male (14) from Janglat Mandi, male (45) from Anchidora, male (38) from Bona Dailgam, female (05) from Khanabal, female (25) from Malaknag, female (36) from KP Road Mattan, male (35) from Qazi Mohalla Ang, male (60) from Khudwani Kulgam, male (55) from Mir Danter, female (NA) from Malaknag, male (54) and female (23) from Achabal, male (23) from Azadpora, two females (35, 35) from Reshi Bazar Ang, male (40) from Ashajipora, female (23) from KP Road, female (74) from Seepan Khanabal, male (63) and female (50) from Lazibal, female (14) and male (45) from Bangidar, female (45) from Malaknag Ang, female (22) from Nai Basti, male (45) from Ashajipora, male (38) from Sidder Mattan, two females (28, 62) from Shiwala Mandir, male (29) from Iqbal Colony, female (70) from Seer Hamadan, male (31) from Achabal, male (88) from Panzura Kulgam, female (60) from Salia Ang, male (65) from Nussu Badragund, female (55) from Krangsoo, female (53) from Anchidora, female (35) from Paibugh, male (61) from Ashajipora, male (62) from Janglat Mandi, female (62) from Alfarooq Colony Srg, male (62) from Matalhama, male (21) from T N Pora, female (20) from Wanigund, female (38) from Rahpora, male (33) from Kailam, male (45) from Qaimoh, male (45) from Khrewan, two males (38, 30) from Khudwani, male (42) from T N Pora, male (40) from Kokergund, male (35) from Dassand, female (40) and male (04) from Yaripora, female (45) from Munnad, female (47) from Yaripora, male (35) from Kokergund, female (35) from Poniwah, male (50) from Munnad, male (37) from Hassanpora, female (28) from Dedkroot, female (30) from Yaripora, female (45) from HS Bugh, female (17) from Manchaw, male (40) from Frisal, male (25) from Batapora, male (47) from Palnoo, female (30) from Kanjikulla, female (55) from Khayar, male (26) and female (40) from Iqbalabad, female (45) from Khayar, female (16) from Lazibal, male (52) from Anchidora, male (04) from Tooru Devipora, male (38) from Malaknag Ang, male (62) from Sarnal, male (23) from Soaf, male (16) from Bidder, male (16) from Kachwan, male (55) from Nazuk Mohalla, female (35) from Janglat Mandi, male (31) from Sarnal Bala, male (35) from Dadoo, male (45) from Sarnal Payeen, male (40) from Lalipora, male (43) from Kadipora, male (50) from Janglat Mandi, male (23) from Anantnag, male (35) from Gadiseer, female (20) from Brinti Batpora Dailgam, male (21) from Dehruna, male (33) from Khanabal, female (04) from Qazibagh, female (14) from Shirpora, female (32) and male (30) from Uranhall, female (71) from Batengoo, male (30) from Gopalpora, female (55) from Vessu, male (30) from Kamad, female (46) from Manzgam, female (40) from Khanbal, female (40) from Batengoo, male (70) from Bul Bul Nowgam, male (53) from Larkipora, male (30) and female (40) from Donipawa, male (53) from Shirpora, female (50) from Shanker Pora, female (30) from Mattan, male (43) from Shangus and male (44) from GMC Anantnag.

Moreover, they said, 4042 more COVID-19 patients have recovered, 1082 from Jammu Division and 2960 from Kashmir Division. There are 50852 active cases—20716 in Jammu and 30136 in Kashmir, they added. (GNS)

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