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J&K Govt constructed high-tech poly-houses in Srinagar to boost vegetable cultivation

Srinagar: New high-tech poly-houses have been constructed by the Jammu and Kashmir government in Srinagar to boost vegetable cultivation.

“These high-tech poly-houses with a cost of Rs 10 lakh have been installed under the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) scheme sponsored by the Central government, with latest features like humidity control, a fogger system, temperature controller and heating system for harsh winters,” Zahoor Ahmad, Agricultural Assistant of the Kitchen garden scheme told ANI.

He added that the previous poly-house only covered an area of 12 to 14 square feet while the new one covers over 2000 square feet.

“The new high-tech poly-house covers an area of 2000 square feet and has the latest agricultural equipment. This system can give us a much higher yield at a better quality. We do not need to depend on the natural processes to grow our vegetables. With the new equipment, we can grow fresh vegetables at night and even during the off-season,” he said.

Ghulam Din, a farmer at the facility said that the new system would be very beneficial for the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

“In Kashmir valley, a very large number of people rely on vegetable cultivation for their livelihood. The previous poly-houses were very old and run-down and produced a lot of waste. A vegetable that would take eight months to cultivate and harvest will now take just two months,” he said. (ANI)

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