
Hybrid terrorist of Al Badr arrested in Srinagar: Police


Srinagar, July 29  : Jammu and Kashmir police on Saturday said it arrested a hybrid terrorist of Al Badr outfit in Batamaloo area of Srinagar.

Srinagar police in a Tweet, as per the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) informed that a pistol and other ammunition was also recovered from him.

Police said that the terrorist, identified as Argat Yusuf of Rajpora Pulwama was involved in several terror activities.

“A hybrid terrorist of Al Badr namely Arfat Yusuf S/o Md Yusuf of Rajpora Pulwama arrested from Batmaloo with a Glock Pistol, 20 live rounds & 2 magazines. He had done terror acts in Pulwama & was in Srinagar for same. FIR 94/2023 U/s 13,23 of UAPA & 7/25 of IA Act at Batmaloo PS,” police tweeted—(KNO)

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