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Historic Move: Jammu and Kashmir Police Chief R R Swain Opens Doors to Public Every Month


Srinagar, Nov 12 : The Jammu and Kashmir Director General of Police (R R Swain) will now be directly accessible to the general public on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month. This decision aims to provide citizens with a platform to address their grievances and present long-pending issues directly to the highest echelon of the police force.


Prompted by suggestions from various sectors of the community, the initiative removes the need for prior appointments, enabling common citizens to interact with the DGP without bureaucratic constraints. This marks the first time in the history of Jammu and Kashmir that the top police chief will be available to the masses on a regular basis.


The decision came to fruition during interactions with prominent citizens, including representatives from trade and industries, who emphasized the importance of unimpeded access to the DGP for residents of the Kashmir Valley. The move reflects a commitment to fostering a direct channel of communication between the police force and the public, promoting transparency and responsiveness.


On the designated Saturdays, members of the general public can meet the DGP J&K at the Police Headquarters (PHQ) in Peer-Bagh, Hyderpora, Srinagar, from 2 PM to 4 PM. Officials have assured that in the event of any unavoidable schedule changes, advance information will be disseminated through the official social media handles of PHQ J&K to minimize inconvenience to the public.


This unprecedented step is expected to enhance public trust in law enforcement and provide a platform for citizens to actively participate in the resolution of issues affecting their communities. The accessibility of the DGP reflects a commitment to open dialogue and responsiveness to the needs and concerns of the people of Jammu and Kashmir

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