
Dacoits of 1987 responsible for filling graveyards in Kashmir: Sajad Lone


Srinagar, Nov 15 : Chairman of Jammu & Kashmir Peoples Conference Sajad Gani Lone on Wednesday said the dacoits of 1987 are responsible for filling graveyards in Kashmir.

Addressing a delegate session of Peoples Conference here, Lone said those who rigged 1987 assembly polls in J&K are responsible for bloodshed and violence in Kashmir.

“The dacoits of 1987 are the main culprits. They are responsible for filling graveyards in Kashmir. Our hundreds of workers were jailed and booked under PSA in 1987,”Lone said, as per news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO)

Lone, who was administered oath of office as PC president, said those who sent youngsters to Kathua and Hira Nagar jails cannot represent Kashmiris.

“Farooq Abdullah made his son Omar Abdullah Chief Minister but sent another Kashmiri Yasin Malik to jail in 1987 for being associated with Muslim United Front. Farooq Abdullah registered nine FIRs against Yasin Malik and sent him to jail. He is still in jail,”he said.

Lone said those who question National Conference are being labelled as agents of New Delhi.

“When my father, Jamaat-e-Islamia and Muslim United Front questioned them, they were dubbed as agents of New Delhi. Those who were labelled as agents of New Delhi remained in jails for rest of their lives ,” he said.

“9 FIRs registered against Yasin Malik for supporting MUF”

Lone said that leadership in the present “challenging times means rising up to the occasion and rescuing the Kashmiris.”

The function was attended by PC workers from different areas of Kashmir—(KNO)

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