
COVID-19 Surge: Complete Curfew to be imposed in 11 districts in J&K from tomorrow 7pm till Monday 7am

Srinagar, Apr 28: Amid surge in Covid-19 Cases in Jammu and Kashmir,, the authorities on Wednesday decided to impose Corona curfew in eleven districts of Jammu and Kashmir to contain the further spread of Covid-19, sources said here.

Sources told the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) that Corona curfew will be imposed in 11 districts from Thursday 7pm to Monday 7am.

They said that the districts include Srinagar, Anantnag, Baramulla, Budgam, Kulgam, Pulwama, Ganderbal, Jammu, Kathua, Reasi and Udhampur.

They further said that detailed orders will be issued by the concerned deputy commissioners under Disaster Management Act, listing out the prohibitions as well as permissible activities.

Meanwhile, deputy commissioner Srinagar, Mohammad Aijaz in a Tweet confirmed that Srinagar district will go under Corona curfew from Thursday 7pm till Monday 7 am.

“There will be Complete Lockdown in Srinagar District from 7:00 pm Thursday (29/04/2021) to 7:00 am Monday (03/05/2021). Exemptions apply to essential services.  Detailed order shall follow,” he Tweeted.(KNO)

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