
Cops book two Muslim Youth League leaders for misappropriating funds for kin of Kathua rape victim

Police on Wednesday registered a cheating case against the state and national leaders ofMuslim Youth League, youth wing of the Indian Union Muslim League, on a complaint alleging misappropriation of funds collected for the family of the victim in the Kathua rape and murder case.

Police said P K Firoz, state general secretary of the Muslim Youth League and C K Subair, its national general secretary, were booked for allegedly misappropriating Rs 15 lakh from a fund of over 1 crore collected by the organisation.

An eight-year-old girl was kidnapped on January 10 2018 and was raped in captivity, after keeping her sedated for four days, in a small village temple at Kathua in Jammu and Kashmir.The charge sheet filed by the investigating agency said she was later bludgeoned to death.

“A complaint was filed against Firoz and Subair accusing them of misappropriating Rs 15 lakh from a fund collected for the family of Kathua rape victim.We have registered a case under section 420 of the IPC,” police told PTI.

The plaint, filed by a former office bearer of the Youth League Yousouf Padanilam, said Subair had in April 2018 advertised for crowdfunding to provide legal assistance for the victim’s family.

It said from the fund of over Rs one crore, Firoz “misappropriated” Rs 15 lakh for other purposes.

State minister K T jaleel has also accused the Youth League of misappropriating the funds and sought to investigate the assets and foreign trips of youth league leaders.

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