
Coordinated operation soon to pursue 38 foreign militants active in Kashmir: report

Srinagar, Nov 13: A total of 38 Pakistani militants are active in Kashmir valley as identified by the security forces and a “coordinated operation will be launched soon to neutralise them”, wire agency IANS reported on Saturday.

The report while quoting sources said that of the 38 militants, 27 belong to Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and 11 are from Jaish-e Mohammad (JeM) all of them being “on the radar of the security forces”.

“The locations of these ultras have been traced, which have been spread in Srinagar, Pulwama, Baramulla and Kulgam and other parts of the valley while some of them might be hiding in the forest areas too, ” the IANS report said.

As per sources, a ‘Special Group’ of the security forces has been constituted “to find the exact locations for pinpointed operations” after recent civilian killings in the valley. IANS

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