
Bulldozer drive on property of ‘State land’ grabbed by Sajad Lone’s sister in Srinagar


Srinagar, Feb 04, : The authorities in Srinagar demolished the outer walls of residence of Peoples Conference Leader Sajad Lone’s sister, Advocate Shabnum Ganie Lone in the KralSangri Nishat area of summer capital Srinagar on Saturday, officials said.

An official told Srinagar based news agency Kashmir Dot Com (KDC) said, that a team of the Revenue Department Srinagar led a demolition drive to reclaim state / Kacharai land under Khasra no 3557 from the “encroacher” advocate Shabnum Ganie Lone.

He said that the demolition in KralSangri at the residence on the outer walls was part of the government’s demolition drive against the “land grabbers”.

Pertinently, the authorities have reiterated that the main target of the drive was to bring down “high-profile land grabbers”. (KDC)

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