
All Party Meeting begins at Dr Farooq’s Gupkar residence

Srinagar, Aug 22 : The All Party meeting began here at National Conference (NC) president Dr Farooq Abdullah’s Gupkar residence to discuss the future course of action with regard to inclusion of non-locals into electoral rolls of Jammu and Kashmir.

Reports reaching to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) said that leaders from all the parties except Peoples Conference and Apni Party have reached to the residence of Dr Farooq, where the meeting was scheduled.

Notably, for the first time, Shiv Sena has also joined hands with the Kashmir based parties and attended the meeting to discuss the issue

Earlier, Peoples Conference chairman Sajad Lone in a presser said that they will not attend the all party meeting called by NC president Dr Farooq Abdullah—(KNO)

More details awaited

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