EditorialJammu & Kashmir

A New Dawn in Kashmir: Eager Crowds Await Prime Minister Modi’s Address



Shift in Perception as Kashmiris Embrace Prime Minister’s Visit with Enthusiasm


In a remarkable turn of events, the Kashmir Valley is experiencing a paradigm shift in its political landscape. Gone are the days when the mere mention of a visit by the Prime Minister invoked fear and apprehension given the fact of shutdown calls by some elements in past. Instead, the region is abuzz with anticipation and excitement as Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to address a gathering of around one lakh people at Bakshi Stadium on March 7. However, given the fact about space of Bakshi Stadium, may be much people may not find entry inside.


For decades, Kashmir has been marred by unrest and instability, often leading to calls for shutdowns and protests during high-profile visits by national leaders. However, the upcoming event signifies a departure from this narrative, symbolizing a newfound sense of optimism and engagement within the local populace.


The sheer number of people eagerly awaiting the Prime Minister’s address is a testament to the changing dynamics in the region. It reflects a growing desire among Kashmiris to actively participate in the democratic process and engage with the highest echelons of leadership.


This shift in perception can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the government’s concerted efforts to restore normalcy and foster development in the region have started yielding tangible results. Initiatives such as the abrogation of Article 370, which granted special status to Jammu and Kashmir, and the implementation of various welfare schemes have instilled hope for a brighter future among the people.


Moreover, Prime Minister Modi’s proactive approach towards addressing the concerns of the region and his emphasis on inclusive development have struck a chord with many Kashmiris. His vision of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas’ (Together with all, development for all, trust of all) resonates with the aspirations of the people, transcending barriers of geography and ideology.


The overwhelming response to the Prime Minister’s visit underscores the importance of dialogue and engagement in resolving complex socio-political issues. It highlights the need for continued efforts towards reconciliation and empowerment, paving the way for lasting peace and prosperity in the region.


The Government of India has repeated assured to the people of J&K that it will talk to people of Kashmir, youth of Kashmir to listen them, redress their grievances. Along with development works and developing infrastructure that took place in past five years, the Modi led government has taken several measures to reach out local populace and accorded sanction to the reservation to downtrodden communities.


As Kashmir prepares to welcome Prime Minister Modi with open arms, it sends a powerful message to the rest of the country and the world – that dialogue, understanding, and cooperation are essential ingredients for building a better tomorrow.


The event at Bakshi Stadium serves as a beacon of hope, ushering in a new era of optimism and opportunity for the people of Kashmir with people expecting some big announcements including implementation of Minimum Wages Act, regularization of daily wagers and economic packages for unemployed youth in J&K.

Mudasir Yaqoob Author is the TV Journalist and Executive Editor/ Chief To Bord Of Diretors of ANN News – Kashmir’s First & Only Own 24*7 Tv News Channel

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