
We have to become voice of deaf and dumb people

Indeed, no success is possible without the help of Allah. The coronavirus pandemic has brought out the perception of selfishness among many.

The coronavirus has not only decimated our population and placed lives on anxious hold, it has also been a test of character.

People are at each other’s throats over wearing masks.

A feeling coming from all sides .During the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries attempted large-scale e-learning for the first time.

Spread of the COVID -19 our teachers should not forget the deaf and dumb students. In this pandemic the students of deaf and dumb are forgotten altogether.

Everyone are running to set up online learning platforms with insufficient time and resources to ensure that they are accessible for all students.

Inaccessible online classrooms are also an issue for dear and dumb students.

This is a crucial matter .Its very difficult for everyone to understand the problems of deaf and dumb face. Helping them have a fulfilling and meaningful childhood and a bright future ahead. We also train them in communication techniques, which helps them to safeguard themselves .

There are several approaches to teaching children who are deaf and dumb and hard of hearing. Some focus on sign language. Others use hearing aids and other technology to promote listening and speaking skills.

Every deaf and dumb child can do and be anything they want to be and that’s what we really instill in their parents, that with the right support and services, really the sky is the limit.

We should provide them online sign language classes so that they can enjoy with zeal n zest as other normal children’s enjoy .

Lastly I appeal to the government pleas have a look in to this matter so these students can enjoy study as other students enjoy .We have to come forward and talk about this issue.

Bazillah Yussuf

Baziilah Yussuf has done masters in English literature. Presently working as Lecturer. Doing research between the age group of 14-20 on social evils.

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