
Vijay Kumar upon his promotion as ADGP to continue to serve in present position


‘Post declared equivalent to that of ADGP’

Srinagar, Aug 06 : Jammu and Kashmir Home Department on Saturday said that IGP Kashmir Vijay Kumar upon his promotion as ADGP will continue to serve in the present position.

In an order, a copy of which lies with the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) government stated that the post has been declared equivalent in the rank and status to that of ADGP.

“In the interest of administration, it is hereby ordered that Shri Vijay Kumar, IPS (RR:1997), IGP Kashmir, upon his promotion to the grade of Additional Director General of Police (ADGP), shall continue in the present position, with the post declared equivalent in the rank and status to that of ADGP, till held by the officer,” reads the order—(KNO)

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