
Vicious propaganda does not make a story untrue!


By: MS Nazki

Fake, false, immature and futile attempt to tell the reality by the terrorists!

-‘Yes some sections of the media did carry the story of Harjeet Singh, one of the soldiers who was taken by instant surprise by the invisible bullets! If he had a twin brother it is understandable but if not then it is a very poor version of propaganda utterances !

-‘Joseph Goebbels the Nazi politician and Hitler’s closest in World War-II was a specialist at it (This one is a bit modified version as created by us)!

-‘This is what he said, ‘think of the press as a great keyboard on which the terror can play. It is doing so! This was one such example’! But when the situation is analyzed the truth comes out like a froth’

-‘But I will say that you can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic. I think that what appeared in the news was nothing but something which was a story but a bit of fiction (the narration by the invisible man on the video) but this story is not!’

-‘Another thing the same man (Goebbels) said was that It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise. Yes it can happen and the same is! In Pakistan lies are being circulated to entrap the people. The great propagandists tend to repeat their words but that was a fallacy of the olden times now it is all about visuals, sharing and groups! The terrorist groups act faster still and this is what is surprising. How did the video come into focus and who was the originator! There has to be someone!

-‘Indian Army believes in only one principle, man only honors what he conquers or defends. We gave back to Pakistan what we had taken. But Pakistan did not give up the ideas that were inborn and went on the roads where one cannot look back! By the way, a useless country is basically a monkey on the back of other Nations because if nothing else for help they would be first to extend a hand for Zakat! Ammunition and guns they have in plenty and funds to be expended on drug and gun terrorism are in plenty! Rather ridiculous!

-‘In Popular culture a place where pity is called compassion, flattery is called love, propaganda is called knowledge, tension is called peace, gossip is called news, and auto-tune is called singing. Have a few people in UT Jammu and Kashmir been reduced to such useless things! A few have been and one of them has to be the one who uploaded the propaganda video which was meaning less and nothing more than being worthless!’


People’s Anti Fascists Front (PAFF) , the new one off the blocks, released an eight-minute long video of claiming terror attacks in the Jammu and Kashmir area. In the video they are speaking about the ongoing encounters in Jammu and Kashmir’s Poonch region along the Line of Control (LoC), in which nine soldiers have been killed so far. That was a known story because that is happening. They were claiming that nine soldiers had been slain then how come they were claiming that one of them was alive? The narrator was nothing but a dumb headed man who perhaps did not realize that here we work on the truth and not on assumptions to spread false rumors. By the way whosoever tutored him should also know that a rumor is a social cancer: it is difficult to contain and it rots the brains of the masses. However, the real danger is that so many people find rumors enjoyable. A certain segment, though just a few, listens to the verbosity and then constructs epic stories but they are nothing but based upon foundations of a mega crystal ball of lies! Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it. That is how Pakistan is sustaining the nonsense. Not a word has come out from Pakistan, it won’t also because it is back to the sly games which have thus far landed them nowhere!

They shared the videos on multiple channels on Telegram App. The video features a man narrating the events around October 11, the day the encounter started, in a Kashmiri dialect. The video claims that two unidentified terrorists tracked an Army patrol party for around 10 hours before ambushing their tent around dawn the next day (October 11). The narrator in the video is identified as the leader of the terror team, and says that they crossed ‘Chamrer Gali’ around 4.30 p.m. The terrorists claim they took away a bag belonging to an army sepoy identified as Harjeet Singh, which carried a hand-written identity card, packet of instant noodles, wafers and a personal grooming kit. They carried the bag but did they carry Harjeet Singh?

The Army rightfully termed the video as an immature attempt at propaganda. The source added that sepoy Harjeet Singh was alive and also in possession of his I-card. The video has no merit. Not notwithstanding that, we are getting things verified on the ground, said the army! But by now the same would have been. This was nothing but trash bin stuff! I will still say that they drew the first blood! But the last one will be drawn by, you need no guesses but the terrorists know the same! To be honest they have stepped into a pressure cooker situation and the steam is against them!

Propaganda is not supposed to be lovely or theoretically correct. I do not care if I give wonderful, aesthetically elegant speeches, or speak so that women cry. The point to be projected through speech or narration is to persuade people of what the terrorists or their leaders think right. If across the LOC they are doing so then what wass the Baard who wrote the destructive lyrics doing? I mean Syed Ali Shah Geelani! He wanted to go down in history as the greatest statesmen of all time in Kashmir, but the posterity will judge him as the greatest of criminals! Voices have started emanating!

If the kids in terror zones have to move ahead then the way out is devotion, fervor, longing for the nations! Pakistan has clad its own generations in rags what it will do for Kashmiri youth is anyone’s guess. So far nothing and trust me it would be nothing in future! Just hoaxes and propaganda but tht too is llking to the futile way. It is time for those few to understand that the truth is always stronger than the lie. And the truth is that Pakistan is heading nowhere and a misguided Nation’s leadership always heads towards an abyss and that is what is happening!


(Additional inputs by Major Kulbir Singh)

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