
Vehicle Part Of Dr Farooq’s Cavalcade Hits And Critically Injures 75-Yr-Old Man In Magam

Srinagar: A 75 year old man was critically injured after he was hit by a vehicle that was part of Member of Parliament Dr Farooq Abdullah’s cavalcade in central Kashmir’s Magam.

The injured person was identified as Ali Mohammad Sheikh, a resident of Dadoora village of Khag.

His son told Kashmir Reader that his father was at Magam at around 1pm today when a vehicle of Dr Abdullah’s cavalcade hit him and fled.

The injured was brought to Magam hospital by some locals where from he was referred to SKIMS Bemina, BMO Magam said.

Sheikh’s ankle is completely broken and will be operated upon, his son said.

Meanwhile, a senior police official confirmed that a man met with an accident. He, however, said that there is no proof as of now that the vehicle that hit him was part of Dr Farooq’s cavalcade.

FIR has been registered and investigation has been initiated, he added.

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