
Van’s Driver Was Injured After Troops Allegedly Shot Him In Pulwama

Pulwama: A van driver was injured after government forces allegedly shot him when he was returning home in the Pulwama district of southern Kashmir on Friday night.

The injured driver was identified as Mohammad Shafi Ganie the son of Ghulam Nabi Ganie who is a resident of Wahibugh.

Local said Shafi was returning home in his van from the village Gulzarpora along with three other villagers around 12:00 midnight.

When he reached the Romeshi river, the car was allegedly fired on by government forces, who ambushed there, they said.

In that incident, Shafi received injury in his hand and was shifted to Bone and Joint Hospital, Barzulla Srinagar for treatment.

A police official said that the driver was ordered to stop but he jumped over a checkpoint after which several warning shots were fired.

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