
Unscrupulous elements masquerading as journalists in health institutions, media fraternity wants action

Srinagar, May 1:-Voices for action against some unscrupulous elements masquerading as journalists who obstruct work in hospitals is growing among the journalist fraternity of Kashmir.

From the past many days, some people who have nothing do with media professional barg into the Covid wards without protective gears and starts questioning doctors, attendants and patients live on social media live.

Social media is abuzz with posts seeking action against these persons and seeking the intervention of senior journalists.

Speaking to KNS, a senior journalist said that question of initiating action for those persons arises only after when they are part of our fraternity and the persons works with the registered media outlet.

“Anyone who registers a Facebook page with some newsy name behaves like a journalist. Government should take action against these persons who are creating panic in the pandemic,” he told KNS.

Senior-most Journalist of valley Yousuf Jameel voiced his concern about the issue on Facebook, “The unscrupulous person(s) masquerading as a journalist (s) and then interfering with the work of doctors and other health warriors at COVID-19 centres and other hospitals should be discouraged by all means. No bonafide journalist will exceed his/her brief or behave unprofessionally,” he wrote.

The situation has turned so alarming that Kashmir Press Club (KPC) today issued a statement condemning unscrupulous elements masquerading as journalists for obstructing work in hospitals, Covid wards.
In a statement issued to KNS, KPC said, “Amid the pandemic, Kashmir Press Club is also concerned at some unknown social media users entering hospitals with mics masquerading as journalists.

“The recent incident of a social media user barging into a Covid hospital with least regard towards SOPs is one such example, highlighting the menace. Since social media is a powerful platform to reach people, and anyone is free to use it for journalistic work as well however a trained journalist would never obstruct the functioning of medical staff.

Unfortunately, many such elements have cropped up who indulge in such activities with utter disregard towards professionalism,” it reads.
Such elements by these actions bring a bad name to the profession and also make the job of a genuine journalist difficult. These activities should be desisted from. Before practising journalism we would urge youngsters to seek proper training on journalistic guidelines and media ethics, the statement said. (Kns)

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