
Two brothers among four died as well collapsed in Kupwara

Kupwara, Jul 02: Two siblings were among four persons who died after a well they were working on collapsed here in Warsun Dardpora area of Kralpora on Thursday, reports and officials said.

Reports reaching GNS said that the persons were working on an under-construction well at Singhdan area of Krusan Wavura.

In the meantime, it collapsed and the four persons fell inside the well, reports said.

After hectic efforts by the rescue teams including police and other allied departments alongside locals, the persons were retrieved from the well and evacuated to nearby health facility. However the doctors declared all of them as brought dead, reports said.

Confirming it, a police official identified the deceased persons as Altaf Ahmad Shiekh (35) son of Ghulam Mohuddin Shiekh, Showket Ahmad Khan (30) son of Ghulam Hassan Khan, Mumtaz Ahmad Khan (25) and his brother Altaf Ahmad Khan (35) sons of Ghulam Mohuddin Khan, all residents of Dard Hari Sangdan.”The persons have probably died of asphyxiation after remaining trapped inside the well for few hours”, the official said.

Meanwhile, of the four persons dying in the incident include; Mumtaz Ahmad Khan and Altaf Ahmad Khan sons of Ghulam Mohuddin, reports said. (GNS)

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