
SW Deptt & CPS Rajouri reaches out to 4000 families of frontline workers

Essentials, medicines being provided to them at their doorstep

RAJOURI, MAY 20: The fight against Coronavirus pandemic is not just a fight to curb the spread of COVID-19 disease but it is also a persistent struggle to battle social issues like hunger, loneliness, homelessness, violence and domestic abuse. There is also the concern of taking care of the families of our frontline brave hearts, working away from home treating the patients, maintaining social distancing in public places, implementing lockdown and keeping the surroundings and Quarantine centres clean. They are the Health workers, Police, sanitation workers and other stakeholders who are involved in the management of COVID-19. Putting their own lives at risk with selfless determination for the sake of saving other lives deserves our lifelong gratitude.

Department of Social Welfare and District Child Protection Unit on the directions of Deputy Commissioner Rajouri is working in tandem to help the families of frontline warriors and working hard to provide a helping hand to children, beggars and destitute. According to District Social Welfare Officer Rajouri, Mohd Naseeb, a team of Social Welfare department along with DCPU Rajouri is in active contact with nearly 4000 frontline workers in the district. They are providing all possible assistance in the form of essential supplies, medicines etc to the families of these frontline workers who are unable to attend to the needs of their loved ones.

Legal cum Probation Officer CPS, Shivangi Kant Sudan, who is also a member of the team, informed that she had received a call from a Health worker working in Rajouri, wherein he informed that there was an acute shortage of essential commodities at his home. He had informed that his family resided in the Red zone area and due to restrictions, there was a complete ban on inward and outward movement. Acting swiftly on his request their team contacted an NGO working in that area and facilitated the family. In another case, she said, the team helped in shifting the father of a health worker who had a brain stroke to the nearest hospital. Besides, Masks, hand sanitizers and other essential health care items were provided to the families of frontline warriors in the district.

The District Child Protection unit of Rajouri is also working actively in uniting several minors stranded in Sunderbani due to lockdown to reach their home in Mendhar. The DCPU personally intervened and with the help of district administration helped them to reach their homes safely. In one such instance, a minor girl from Poonch who was under treatment in GMC Rajouri was provided proper medical assistance and counselling under the supervision of DCPO during the lockdown period. After her recovery the CPU arranged an ambulance for her safe return to her family in Poonch.

Understanding the special needs of the vulnerable sections of society, DCPU Rajouri reached out to several beggars and destitute who were facing hunger and starvation due to lockdown. Many were provided food, medicines, masks and sanitizers to protect them from getting infected due to Coronavirus. One such woman who was rescued along with her minor child from outside the Tehsil complex Mendhar could hardly hold her tears when she narrates how DCPU Rajouri team came to their rescue at the time of difficulty.

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