
Sopore Encounter: Police Identifies Slain Militant As A Resident Of Awantipora

Srinagar, May 18: Police on Saturday identified the militant who was killed in an encounter in Sopore area of north Kashmir’s Baramulla district as a resident of Awantipora.

A police officer told GNS that the slain militant has been identified as Waseem Ahmad Naik son of Abdul Gani Naik of Udipora Barsoo Awantipora.

Waseem was killed in brief gunfight at Hatlangoo area of Sopore.

According to sources Waseem was missing since March this year. The family had accordingly filed a missing report in police station concerned.

The encounter broke out after army’s 22 RR and SOG have launched a cordon-and-search operation at Hathlangoo village following specific information about the presence of militants inside a residential house.

Meanwhile, authorities suspended internet services in Sopore town as a precautionary measure in wake of this search operation. (GNS)

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