
Sonamarg avalanches: Over 200 persons shifted to safer locations


Ganderbal, Jan 15  : Authorities on Sunday shifted at least 200 workers of Mega Engineering and Infrastructure Limited company to safer location after snow avalanches struck Sarbal area of central Kashmir’s Ganderbal district over the last few days.

An official told the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) that after yesterday’s avalanche, Army, Police and SDRF jointly launched a rescue operation to evacuate the workers.

He said more than 200 persons have been shifted to safer locations like Sonamarg Gagangeer and other places, an official added.

Officials said that the persons, who have been shifted to safer places include the workers, president of construction sites, security men and other staff.

Sub District Magistrate (SDM) Kangan, Javaid Ahmed Rather said that in view of fresh advisory issued today by JKSDMA, the general public of avalanche prone areas are requested to take all precautions and avoid unnecessary venturing outside.

On Saturday evening an avalanche struck near a tunnel construction site at Sarbal area.

On January 12, two labourers of the construction company died after back-to-back avalanches hit near the construction site—(KNO)

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