
Property Of a natrious Drug Peddler Attached Under NDPS Act In South Kashmir’s Kaaldrang area

Property Of a natrious Drug Peddler Attached Under NDPS Act In South Kashmir’s kaaldrang area falls under the jd of p/s yaripura


Kulgam, Jun 14 : On Friday attached a two-storied residential house owned by a drug peddler namely Gh Nabi kuttay who was recently booked by I/c PP frisal on a specific input , a raid was conducted by ic Police post frisal Sh sayed Muzamil under the supervision of DYsp pc hatipura at village kaldrang on the residential house and band saw of one Gh Nabi Kuttay , during raid a huge quantity of popy straw i.e 2 quantal 9 kg and 710 gram was recovered from his band saw. In this regard a case FIR NO 36/2024 dated 29.05.2024 u/s 8/15 NDPS Act stands registered at police station yaripura in Kulgam . As per officials, today the house and the band saw belongs to notorious drug peddler Gh Nabi Kutay, S/o Ab Aziz Kutay, a resident of Kaldrang Kujjer area of kulgam has been attached under sections 68-F 5, police said.The property was identified as illegally acquired property during the course of investigation.

“The property was prima facie acquired from illicit trafficking in Narcotic drug and Psychotropic substances by the drug peddler,” police added. (Agencies).The property cost worth rupees 73 lakh

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