
Private School teacher involved in circulation of threatening posters in Kakapora arrested

Pulwama: On 10-09-2020 posters purportedly on behalf of Lashker-I-Islam were found pasted in Gundipora Kakapora area which carries threat messages to some youth including few girl students.

The posters further depicts that these individuals are involved in adultery/prostitution and informers of security forces thereby created fear psychosis among the general public especially those who have been given life threatening.

In this connection Locals of the area approached P/S Kakapora and demanded legal action against the miscreants who have circulated the posters.

Upon this, a case FIR No. 69/2020 U/S 18,20 ULA(P) Act, 506 IPC was registered in Police Station Kakapora and investigation taken up.

During the course of investigation some suspects of the area were rounded up for questioning.

During questioning one of the suspect namely Muzamil Ahmad Dar S/o Farooq Ahmad Dar R/o Gundibagh Kakapora was found involved in the instant case, accordingly he was arrested on 21-09-2020 in the instant case.

During the course of investigation it came to fore that the accused person was having some personal enmity with some persons of the area and in order to defame them among the general public, he has prepared posters on the letter head of fake outfit and pasted them at public places.

The accused is working as teacher in a Private Educational Institute at Pampore.

On his arrest, the locals of Kakapora area particulars those mentioned in the posters have hailed the Police action. The investigation of the case is going on.

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