
Police alert SMC about 277 alleged illegal constructions in Srinagar

‘Corporation turning blind eye to violations’

Srinagar: In a disclosure which could lift the veil about huge illegal constructions in J&K’s summer capital, police in Srinagar have sent a list of 277 buildings to the Srinagar Municipal Corporation (SMC), which are being allegedly constructed illegally.
Sources said that the police have sent a list of 277 buildings to Srinagar Municipal Corporation, which the public alleged were being constructed illegally.
“The police have asked the SMC whether these constructions have requisite permission,” an official said.
He disclosed that the buildings are being constructed in different parts of Srinagar, but SMC has turned a blind eye towards these alleged violations.
“The SMC has preferred to remain silent instead of taking action against these alleged illegal constructions,” he claimed, adding that this police report is just the tip of the iceberg about illegal constructions in Srinagar.
The Srinagar Municipal Corporation has been often in news over illegal constructions, scams and infightings.
The disclosure about alleged illegal constructions has come to fore at a time when Jammu & Kashmir administration has unleashed a slew of reforms for ensuring transparency and accountability in day-to-day governance.
Commissioner Srinagar Municipal Corporation, Athar Aamir Khan maintained that he was not aware of the matter.
He said the enforcement wing of Srinagar Municipal Corporation is taking action whenever any report of illegal construction comes into their notice. KNO

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