
Police actively targeting drug menace roots, acting swiftly against offenders: DIG Sujit Kumar

 Srinagar, Dec 02 : Deputy Inspector General of Police Sujit Kumar on Saturday declared a robust crackdown on the drug menace, involving property seizures for major offenders and the establishment of addiction centers for victims in the Central Kashmir Range
Speaking to reporters in Srinagar, he stated, “In tackling the drug menace, the police are actively targeting its roots, taking stringent actions against those significantly involved, including the confiscation of their properties.”
He further sad that in the effort to combat drug challenges, the police are actively conducting awareness and counseling sessions in schools and colleges. Also, through collaboration with religious leaders, awareness is being disseminated in social spaces and mosques.
“The police are consistently spreading awareness on social media against the drug menace. Also, the DIG stated, ‘Media should play an active role in combating this menace for the betterment of society.'”(KNS).

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