
People’s Conference Believe in Complete Reconciliation: Sajad Lone

Address 1987 Election Scam Before labelling us Militant and BJP’s Proxies”

Bandipora, May 09  : The Jammu and Kashmir peoples conference chairman Sajad Gani Lone on Thursday said that Kashmiris who have suffered from 70 years of conflict will support efforts for reconciliation if elected.

Talking to reporters here at Sumbal Bandipora, Sajad Lone said that the National Conference should address the 1987 election scam before accusing him of being associated with militants or being part of the BJP’s team.

“”In other states, capital punishment is legal, but their leaders prioritize human emotions. However, the National Conference did not prioritize emotions when Afzal Guru was hanged in the valley.”

He was accompanied by Imran Raza Ansri senior party leader, Yasir Reshi constituency sonwari and several other senior political leaders of the party.

He also said that the National conference was responsible for Afzal Guru’s hanging, as they did not raise the voice of human emotions.(KNS)

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