Jammu & KashmirPolitics

Peoples Alliance for J&K extends support to INDIA Alliance candidates of National Conference in Kashmir



PAJK expresses gratitude to Jammu citizens for supporting INDIA Allaince candidates of Congress: Muzzaffar Shah


Jammu, April 28: The Peoples Alliance for Jammu and Kashmir (PAJK), a major coalition comprising various influential political and social organizations, extended its gratitude to the people of Jammu for their overwhelming support towards INDIA Alliance candidates of Congress and has further thrown its weight behind INDIA Alliance candidates of National Conference contesting the Lok Sabha elections in Kashmir Valley.


This was conveyed to Muzzaffar Shah (Senior Vice President ANC) by the executive members of PAJK Abdul Rashid Shaheen (Former MP), Dr. Hussain (President JKPM), Sunil Dimple (President Mission Statehood), Aashiq Hussain Khan (President Jammu Shia Federation), Shuja Zaffar (President Jammu Muslim Front), Prof. G.K. Muju (Editor-in-Chief Voice of Silence) and Sunny Kant Chib (Chairman JK Human Rights Council of India).


As per the statement issued, Muzzaffar Shah emphasized the importance of this decision in safeguarding national interests, democratic values and the aspirations of the people of J&K and the country at large.


“This decision comes after unanimous deliberations, keeping in view the larger national interest, democratic values and aspirations of the common man. Every member of PAJK, representing different divisions and areas of our rich society in Jammu and Kashmir, gave their valuable opinions. We have firmly resolved to further extend our support to the INDIA Alliance candidates of National Conference in Kashmir as done in Jammu for the INDIA Allaince candidates of Congress,” he said.


He added that PAJK is committed to safeguard the ethos and our rich diversity for which it is vital to remain united against divisive forces and put our weight behind those who speak about national integration and upholding of Constitutional guarantees across the country.


“The BJP has already lost its case in the Kashmir Valley,Jammu and Leh & Ladakh divisions. Their allied parties also lack public trust, which leads us to conclude that our fight for the restoration of Article 370 and Article 35A has been successful. If the BJP had acted in the interest of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, they would have fielded their candidates in the Kashmir region and faced the people, but they are aware of the disastrous consequences of their actions,” he said.


The PAJK implores the Supreme Court to review the petition regarding Article-370, considering the ground situation in Jammu and Kashmir, where public aspirations will always resonate with the reinstating of the special status of the state.


Shah further stated that PAJK would bolster its campaigning efforts in the Kashmir division ahead of the remaining three phases of the Lok Sabha election, ensuring that all might and support are mustered for the INDIA Alliance candidates of National Conference.


“PAJK urges all the respectable independent candidates who have filed their names for Lok Sabha elections to withdraw their nominations and unanimously support the INDIA Alliance candidates of the National Conference. This will prevent vote fragmentation and ultimately enable the majority voice to achieve a resounding victory,” he asserted.


The PAJK’s endorsement of the INDIA Alliance candidates is expected to have a significant impact on the electoral dynamics in Jammu and Kashmir, as the coalition represents diverse segments of the region’s population.

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