
One person killed, 4 children among 12 injured as cab falls into gorge near Digdol Ramban

M S Nazki
Jammu, Nov 13  One person was killed and 12 others including four children were injured when a sumo vehicle (passenger cab) they were travelling in skidded off the road and fell into a very deep gorge near Digdol along Jammu-Srinagar highway on Saturday.

Official sources told GNS the sumo vehicle (JKO3A-6391) was overloaded with 13 passengers including eight adults, one of them a woman, on board it when it met with the accident. Soon after the accident, locals besides Quick Response Teams along police and army rushed to the spot and shifted the all 11 persons, some of them in critical condition, to local Sub District Hospital. However, one of them died before being admitted to hospital. A police officer told GNS that a case has been registered. H

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