
Omar Takes A Dig At Mehbooba On ‘Garbage’ Remark

Srinagar: Former chief minister and vice president Jammu and Kashmir National Conference (JKNC) Omar Abdullah, Monday took a dig at former chief minister and Peoples Democratic Party president Mehbooba Mufti on her ‘garbage’ remark that she used in reference to the resignations of PDP leaders earlier.

Mehbooba while addressing the party workers on the death anniversary of her father and party founder Mufti Muhammad Sayeed in Anantnag, invited youth to join the party and said “…all the garbage in the party has gone out with the wind.”

Taking on the twitter, Omar wrote “Last year at this very time they were defending her in the assembly & council. With her they were “honest, decent, hardworking” people & after they leave they become “garbage”. The world of politics is indeed a cruel world.”

Mehbooba’s remark follows leaving of several PDP leaders from party including former finance minister Haseeb Drabu, former law minister Basharat Bukhari, Javaid Mustafa Mir and Peer Mohammad Hussain.

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