
Notorious drug smuggler booked under PIT-NDPS in Sopore: Police


Srinagar, May 08  : Acting tough against drug peddlers, smugglers, Jammu & Kashmir Police on Wednesday booked a notorious drug smuggler under PIT NDPS Act in Sopore after obtaining formal detention orders from competent authority.

“ Sopore Police has booked a notorious drug smuggler namely Suhail Ahmad Zargar @Lala son of Bashir Ahmad Zargar resident of Behrampora Rafiabad under PIT-NDPS after obtaining formal detention orders from competent authority. The booked drug smuggler has been detained and subsequently lodged in Central Jail Kot-Balwal Jammu,” a police spokesman said in a statement issued to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO).

Pertinently, many cases are registered against said drug smuggler and was still involved in drug abuse trade by supplying drugs to the local youth of the Police District Sopore and other areas of the district.

“The general public of Sopore appreciated the role played by the Police in taking action against drug peddlers/smugglers. Police is committed to take strict actions against such criminals as per the law,” police said—(KNO)

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