
NIA attaches 4 properties, seizes over Rs 2 crore in Handwara narco-terror case

New Delhi, Feb 24  : In a major step towards dismantling the funding networks that are fuelling terrorism in Kashmir, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) has attached four properties and seized cash in the Handwara narco-terrorism case, involving 2 proscribed terrorist outfits, Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and Hizbul Mujahideen (HM).

In a statement issued to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), a spokesperson said that the properties belonging to four accused have been attached in tehsil Handwara by the NIA, which has also seized a total of Rs 2.27 crore in cash under Section 25 of the UA(P) Act.

“The Immovable properties attached are the double storeyed house of accused Afaq Ahmad Wani, single storeyed house of accused Muneer Ahmad Pandey, the house of Saleem Andrabi and the double storeyed house of Islam ul Haq,” reads the statement.

It reads that a total of 12 accused have so far been arrested in the case, in which the NIA has chagesheeted 15 individuals.

It added that the case (RC 03/2020/NIA/JMU) relates to the use of the ‘proceeds of narcotic drugs’ to fund violent terror activities by LeT and HM operating in the Handwara-Kupwara region. “The case was registered following the recovery of a black bag and a large number of Indian currency notes of 500 denomination during checking of vehicles in Langate area of Handwara. The seizure was made from a white Creta car without a registration number.”

It further reads that the preliminary questioning of the car’s driver, Abdul Momin Peer, had led to the revelations about the narco terror nexus, which had sparked detailed investigation by the NIA. “During the initial searches in the houses of various accused, 21 kg of heroin was seized, in addition to various incriminating material, including large sums of cash.”

Per the statement the anti-terror agency is continuing with its relentless efforts to destroy and dismantle the terror network in Kashmir and safeguard national security—(KNO)

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