
NC has no right to claim “feeling sad” over abrogation of Article 370: Sajad Lone


Srinagar, Dec 11  : People’s Conference chairman Sajad Gani Lone on Sunday said that National Conference has no right to claim “feeling sad” over abrogation of Article 370.

“How NC claims they are feeling sad over of Article 370 by BJP government. Hadn’t they executed two Kashmir’s – Mohammad Maqbool Bhat & Afzal Guru – former in the times Dr Farooq Abdullah while as later in the regime of Omar Abdullah. Besides they filled 40,000 graves with innocent people, slapped PSA on 16000 as per RTI and brought the draconian POTA here”, Sajad Lone as per KNS said while addressing a party gathering in Srinagar here where NC Zonal Vice President, Manzoor Ahmad joined the PC.

“Can NC point out a sin that they had not committed against Kashmir’s. Every sin perpetrated by BJP is committed by NC”, he said.

Lone said I have never killed anyone nor jailed a single Kashmiri. “I gave sacrifice from my home. Our workers gave their blood but never killed anyone nor jailed innocents”, Lone added.

He said people are laughing on NC over their assertions they made about lost constitutional rights of J&K as they have been fully exposed in public domain. “If we go to Delhi we are being dubbed as traitors while as when they visit Delhi and sit in their lap they say we are saving the nation”, he said. (KNS)

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