
Narendra Modi has the class and the demeanor of a Tiger walk!

‘2016 strike in Balakote signifies great professionalism, capability of the Indian army, said PM Modi and he said it emphatically because Pakistan fell silent after that and Jaish collapsed! Bad idea that Azhar Masood escaped the hit’! Not an issue he will die, the choice is his natural or otherwise!

-‘Remember the name Prime minister Narendra Modi and the place Balakote by the way not far away from where the great man was celebrating Diwali with soldiers!

-‘Long time back, perhaps my days when I was young (not that I’m old I read Italo Calvino, ‘The Uses of Literature’) I suggest that many writers should read it. If they think that I’m wrong then this libe would finish the argument of, ‘a classic is a book that has never finished saying what it has to say.’ The man who writes classic matters and one man was doing it in Rajouri! He had to be one and the only one Narendra Modi!’

-‘ I believe that last year’s words belong to last year’s language, and next year’s words await another voice but this man, I mean the Prime Minister of India is different! He is a genius, if he was yesterday in Vatican city then today he was the soldier bang on the LOC celebrating Deepawali! Words can light fires in the minds of men/women. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts! I think Narendra Modi is one man who speaks from the heart because he knows what is a heart of an Indian!’

-‘He arrived in the border area of Nowshera in Rajouri to celebrate Deepavali with the soldiers. He laid wreaths at the war memorial and paid rich tributes to the soldiers who laid down their lives in J&K’

-‘Once George Bernard Shaw said that patriotism is, fundamentally, a conviction that a particular country is the best in the world because you were born in it. I have read the great man and enacted in his plays like St. Joan but will add a word or two. ‘Patriotism also means that every droplet of scarlet colored blood is for the country known as India!’ It does not mean that I have lost my left arm, the other matters, it does of both!

-‘What I like about Narendra Modi is his sincerity! When I saw his picture as a school kid I imagined myself! A dark complexioned man but yet good looking., vague eyes searching for something bigger but full of pride but the kid in Modi was his pride for the country because that dark complexioned kid said at that time also in Nagpur and says now also ‘our country becomes great because of your pride in it.’!

-‘ I do not know how many would have heard about Israelmore Ayivor but he said something big and that was about the commanders and and leaders up front and thi is what he wrote: ‘contrary to popular opinion, leadership is not a reserved position for a particular group of people who were elected or appointed, ordained or enthroned. Leadership is self-made, self-retained, self-inculcated and then exposed through a faithful, sincere and exemplary life.’ I will ask nothing more as far as the Prime Minister of India goes! I have not met him! Wish as a human writer I could have met him once!

By: M S Nazki:


‘Self-leaders are still true leaders even if they have no known followers. True leaders are inspired by the influence of their characters and general self-made brands. Leadership is defined by the virtues of one’s behavior.’ Today many in Nowshera and Rajouri saw that!

It’s a small little story and that night it was a routine patrol on the LOC. I never wanted to go but a child was insistent. Barood post was just on the LOC so I thought why not spend a night there. The kid Ayesha held my hand as we walked and said in innocence, ‘Aap ne Mithayi Nahin Di Aaaj’! It was Diwali and I had forgotten to carry sweets! ‘I told the kid, ‘never mind they will arrive’! I rang up Captain Dhillon, ‘yaar toffees chhayye’, the reply was, ‘Sir Saat baj gaye hain shaam ke’. My response was, ‘Kya ho gaya ek bacche ko diwali manani hai, itna toh ho sakata hai!’ I never knew that the day after next Ayesha would walk up to me and say, ‘Indian Army is the best’! I smiled and said It always was! At that time I took this incident as a nonchalant one but today I think, a young child is a leader to an elderly person once his purpose has a faithful, sincere and trustworthy influence on people. Leadership is not restricted to position and age; it is self-made and influential. Everyone has this self-leadership quality. That is what Narendra Modi is and he displayed the same to the soldiers!

This is what the Prime Minister said:

* Addressing soldiers, the Prime Minister said that the 2016 surgical strike on the militant camps across LoC signified great professionalism and capability of the Indian army. “I was constantly on the phone at the time of the surgical strike.

* I wanted to ensure that each soldier who was part of the strike should return safely. All the soldiers who carried out the surgical strike made me feel proud by returning to their unit safely.

* He said many efforts were made post surgical strike to disrupt peace in J&K. But our forces kept their morale high and defeated all such moves by giving a befitting reply,” Modi said.

* He said that while the entire country celebrates Azadi ka Amrut,Mahautsav to mark the 75 years of Independence, the government has new targets and new challenges ahead.

* ‘There was a time when our forces were fully dependent on foreign arms. Even our soldiers would wait for the spare parts of defence equipment from the foreign countries. It would take years to receive such consignments. The army officer who would sign the procurement deal had to wait till his retirement to receive the same!

* Today, the country’s 65 per cent defence budget is being spent within the country to manufacture the equipment. Today, we manufacture Arjun tanks and Tejas aircrafts within the country. More than 200 items including spare parts and other equipment are being made in India itself,” he said. “This way, we have reduced our dependency on the foreign arms.

* He said that from now onwards, girls and women would get admission in all defence schools, colleges and academies. Praising the soldiers for their valour, PM Modi said today the Indian army is different from the forces other countries have. “It is because of your age-old custom, tradition, great professionalism, and commitment towards your motherland. You worship your motherland and this is not seen in any other country. This is what makes you different from others,” he said and added that

*I was feeling privileged to be with you on the special occasion of Diwali.” Prime Minister Modi said that he will lit a Diwali lamp to pay tribute to great valor, courage, discipline, professionalism and commitment of soldiers!

I always write when I’m on a strong wicket and today I think I’m because my kid Ayesha always reads books and she always says that she reads books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live. She told me that day at Barood, ‘I like good strong words that mean something…, ‘She had always wanted words, she loved them; grew up on them. Words gave her clarity, brought reason, shape.’ Prime Minister Narendra Modi was speaking the same! Wished he had spoken thirty years back!

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