
Municipal Committee Pampore appeals admin to provide protection kits to sweepers

Srinagar : Employees of Urban Local Bodies, Muncipality Committee Pampore District Pulwama in Kashmir continued in frontline in a view of Pandemic Covid-19 coronavirus against deadly disease while as Sweepers during a cleaning and fumigation, spray and sanitising drive done entire areas of Tehsil Pampor like Drangbal, Astaan Mohalla, Namblabal, Kadlabaland, Dar Mohalla and other Government offices inncluding a JK Bank Office Pampore

While as people appriciated this dedicated work by employees sanitation drive was under the supervision of Muncipal Committee Officer Manzoor Ahmad Pampori and he appealed to officers of Urban Local Bodies that provide protection kits to all sweepers those who are fighting against coronavirus Covid-19 since from last month at whole areas of tehsil Pampore District Pulwama

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