
Most wanted Hizbul Militant Riyaz Naikoo killed in Awantipora encounter

Top Hizbul Militant commander Riyaz Naikoo was killed in an encounter with security forces in Awantipora town of Jammu and Kashmir on Wednesday.

Naikoo carried a reward of Rs 12 lakh on his head and his killing would be considered a big blow to Militant  activities in the Valley as he was responsible for a number of attacks against the security forces in the last few years.

According to a news channel, Naikoo’s bodyguard is also believed to have been killed in the operation which began late last night.

As per media reports, the operation was jointly conducted by the Jammu and Kashmir Police, Indian Army and the CRPF.

As a precuationary measure, the administration suspended mobile internet services in the Valley, PTI said.

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