
Militant Trigger IED Blast, Fire Upon Army Vehicle In Shopian Village, Area Cordoned Off

Shopian: An army vehicle (casper) on Saturday night attacked by militants amid triggering an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) blast at Heff area of south Kashmir’s Shopian district.

Reports reaching GNS said that militants tried to blow the vehicle of army near Heff village by detonating an IED.

“The blast was also followed by firing”.

A police official also confirmed the incident and said that militants triggered an IED when an armoured vehicle (Casper) of 44 RR was passing through the area.

“Soon after the blast, militants also fired upon the vehicle,” the official said, adding that there was no immediate report of any loss of life or injuries.

Soon after the attack, the army along with the additional reinforcements cordoned off the area and launched searches to nab the attackers. (GNS)

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