
Militant Commander’s Brother Among Two LeT Activists Arrested With Arms, Ammunition

Srinagar: Two activists of Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) militant outfit were arrested along with arms and ammunition from Sumbal area of north Kashmir’s Bandipora district on Sunday late night.

A police officer told GNS that a joint team of police and SOG during a raid at Hajin area last night arrested two Over Ground Workers (OGWs) of LeT.

The officer identified the OGWs as Mohd Iqbal Wani and Zahoor Ahmad Parray.

“Two hand grenades, two AK magazines along with 60 rounds of AK series were recovered from their possession,” the officer said.

A case under FIR number 18/2019 under section 7/25 IA Act and 18 ULA has been registered in police station concerned and further investigations have been taken up, the officer said.

According to sources, Zahoor Ahmad is the brother of LeT militant commander Mohd Saleem Parray. (GNS)

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